Instructions for golf can be perplexing.
Do you have a hard time understanding how to swing a golf club properly? Well, forget it, I say! Numerous people score well on paper but don’t have a beautiful swing. The majority of the time, golf instructions are far too complicated.
Body and club mingling
Not all golf tips are beneficial to your game! I want to give you that right away as one of my finest tips to unlocking your scoring potential.
What? That’s right, and I’m not joking. Because I was an avid golf magazine reader, I always asked my playing partners for ideas on improving certain aspects of my swing when I would hit a bad shot. It freed me to start playing my best after I learned this—Craig’s best, not Tiger Woods’ or Annika Sorenstam’s.
I never stood a chance because I was so tangled up in knots over golf instruction. In reality, when I stopped “trying” to improve, I made the most progress. I accepted every suggestion I saw or heard, practiced it in the field for a bit, and then declared to myself that I had finally solved my golf swing problems! I’d stick with it for about two holes before abandoning the concept and continuing to spray my strokes. Were they erroneous golf advice? No, they were produced by top professionals who successfully employed them on their students in their classes. The issue was that I wasn’t in those classes! (By the way, if you don’t know how to swing a club, you should start with a series of lessons or a single instructional program.)
There are numerous theories on how to swing a golf club and how to teach others how to swing a club. Much of it is contradictory or opposed from one teacher to the next. I’m here to tell you right now, in print, that your swing is good enough for most of us! Even David Leadbetter, one of the best golf instructors of all time, claimed that “there is no definitive approach” to a golf swing. This brings me to the most crucial point of today’s lecture. The Pareto Principle is what it’s all about.
If you’ve never heard of it, it’s also known as the 80/20 rule (or 90/10 rule), and it states that if you focus on the 20% most crucial areas first (for whatever goal you’re pursuing), you’ll be 80% effective! Especially if you’re a busy person who doesn’t have much time to practice.
The key to a perfect shot
You’re well aware that the whole golf industry revolves around selling you new equipment each year and teaching you how to achieve “the ideal swing” (which doesn’t exist in the first place).
Don’t get me wrong: working on your swing is beneficial. However, getting speedy, time-effective score-setting advances isn’t required. On the Champions Tour, Allen Doyle appears like he’s striking a hockey puck! And he swings with a giant LOOP. Watch the Champions Tour for a while, and you’ll see all kinds of strange swings.
For a moment, forget about the pros. How many times have you watched a senior on your local course hit the ball virtually perfectly straight down the middle with nary a turn in his swing? He’s hammering you on the scorecard while you’re blasting runs 60 yards away. Is it necessary for me to remind you that in this game, only the ultimate score matters? Instead of improving on your swing, focus on SCORING! The gorgeous swing does not receive a prize. I now push myself to ignore any swing instruction I see in a magazine or book and stick with the foundations of what I learned while striving for a repeatable SWING, not a flawless one, even though I am still tempted. You can always work on your swing once you’ve taken care of the 20% of most critical issues.
I enjoy teaching you exactly what the most outstanding golf studies have discovered to be that 20% Find an article, particularly for us average players.